
Showing posts from July, 2017


                    PTYALISM IN PREGNANCY There are many changes that occur in the woman body during pregnancy and one of  the changes is increase salivation during early pregnancy. sometimes these increase salivation may instill fear in the life of the mother ,because she may be habouring in mind if every thing is ok with her body or the baby. Ptyalism is the term given to excessive saliva production.These condition occurs more frequently during pregnancy, especially if one is suffering from morning sickness.                         IS PTYALISM DANGEROUS While one is pregnant,the body undergoes many drastic changes and this is one among those changes.combine with nausea or morning sickness,this problem can be a little unpleasant but good news is that it will go away within the first few weeks. Excessive saliv...

what causes recurrent miscarriage

                              RECURRENT MISCARRIAGE Sometimes people got to wonder why recurrent miscarriage occur and they get to fear when a miscarriage happens unexpected. Recurrent miscarriage is defined as the loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies. This is a problem that affects 1% of all women,and the risk of further abortion increases with each pregnancy lost. The incidence of recurrent miscarriage suggests that there are significant underlying causes and the loss of the pregnancy is not chance.               FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH RECURRENT MISCARRIAGE Genetic causes. The parental karyotype is abnormal, the most common abnormality is trans location. Immunological factors. women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss have been found to lack an ig-G blocking agent.In a normal pregnancy    coats the fetal antigens and prevents...

Facts to know about excessive vomiting in pregnancy (HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM)

         HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM     Hyperemesis gravidarum is the  excessive nausea and vomiting that start between 4 and 10 weeks gestation, and resolve before 20 weeks requiring intervention It affects 0.3-3% of all pregnant women, this is associated with dehydration,electrolyte imbalance and weight loss of up to 10% of prepregnant weight and should not be confused with the common symptoms of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy that are self-limiting.    The   aetiology of hyperemesis is uncertain, with multifactorial causes such as endocrine gastointestinal and HCG appear to be significance.        FACTORS THAT CAN INCREASES HYPEREMESIS OCCURANCE Hyperremesis occurs more often where mothers have a multiple pregnancy, or a hydatidiform mole, both of whicb are associated with increased hormone levels. Infection with helicobacter pylori,the organism implicated in gastric ulcers,may als...