OBSTRUCTED LABOUR Whenever labour is moving the way it should be,the health workers are happy.But when the labour is undergoing any difficulty it instills fear to the mother and is distressing to both the mother and health workers. Labour is obstructed when there is no advance of the presenting part despite strong uterine contractions.The obstruction usually occurs at the pelvic brim but may occur at the outlet for example deep transverse arrest in an android pelvis. CAUSES OF OBSTRUCTED LABOUR Cephalopelvic disproportion Deep transverse arrest Malpresentation pelvic mass Fetal abnormalities such as hydrocephalus SIGNS OF OBSTRUCTED LABOUR The presenting part does not enter the pelvic brim despite good contraction. As the presenting part is unable to descend,cervical dilataton is affected and dilatation is slow.The cervix is describing as loosely like an empty sleeve as the presenting part is not applied to it.The uterine contraction exert pressure ...